
SPLAT is a Russian based toothpaste distributed in Romania by Sensiblu, a premium pharmaceutical chain. When we started working with them, SPLAT’s website was in dire need of attention as it had not been updated for about 2 years. The rest of their online presence could’ve used a fresh coat of paint, so we rolled up our sleeves and created a video campaign, turned their website into a content mill and started handling their social media presence as well. The brief was to turn a stagnant online presence into an engaging one.

Our aim was to move away from the medical claims all the other toothpastes were using and place SPLAT right in the middle of creative, bubbly people. The main video, as follows, features inspirational characters, part of them already known, who speak normally, rather than in an “ad voice”, to make it easier and more natural to shift the association between toothpaste and the dentist towards SPLAT and smiling, the most natural human reaction. 

Duration of campaign: 3rd January 2017 – 30th March – 2017


  • over 11000 Views on Youtube (at the end of the campaign. 21.000+ in December 2018)
  • 350 000  reach on Youtube and Facebook
  • 6000 page views, 1000 new, unique visitors, 25%  returning visitors
  • #zambeste still returns results about SPLAT (December 2018 – last check)
  • 0.003 RON cost/view (the happiest average is 0.01 RON cost/view)

For more brag-worthy SEO results, check out Repair My Device, Chronax and Benjamin Moore.


SPLAT Romania

What we did

Content Marketing / Video Production / Web design / Social Media Management / SEO

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